Letter re Building in Flood Prone Areas - Forwarded to Local MP, MPP, County, Town, Media

Sept. 30, 2024

Ms. Rebecca Belanger et al, 

I'm apologizing in advance to you for the multitude of emails I continue to send; it does however appear to be the preferred method of contacting you with this information. My goal as a member of the Colchester Matters team, is to ensure that you are aware of the direction that the Town of Essex appears to be taking with regard to five housing developments south of County Road 50, on the western shores of Colchester. 

Our concern is that the Town of Essex, by even giving consideration to these developments, is ignoring the existing residents as well as the potential new residents who could suffer disastrous and costly outcomes should the construction of up to 434 news proceed.  This is all contrary to the proposed County of Essex 2024 Official Plan and the 2024 Provincial Planning Statement. 

There are a number of factors which will affect these areas beyond the scope of the Official plan such as recent data from Environmental Scientists and  Environment Canada which has determined the following;

a.       Once a century rainfall events now happen every 20 years. If the world gets to 2 C of warming above pre-industrial temperatures, major rainstorms would happen once every five years.

b.       Once every 20 year rainfall events, now take place every five years. If the world gets to 2 C of warming above pre-industrial temperatures, major weather events are now expected to occur about every other year. 

Source - https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1921628117

Understand that not only would the existing residents be subjected to increased potential for damage, in general, because they primarily have living quarters above the flood waters, they would still have a place to live. But, the new homes, most likely with living quarters in lower units as now allowed by the Province, which are likely below the flood water line, residents would be forced onto the street with NO living quarters for possibly months.  Furthermore, because of their inability to get flood insurance, they would also be responsible for all of the repairs

It would appear that the construction of new homes would contravene almost all of the clauses, rules, regulations and intent of the Provincial Planning Statement and the County Official Plan. As noted above, Colchester residents are dismayed that the Town of Essex would continue on their path to approve these developments despite the above facts.

As support, I'm forwarding five small blowup maps of the County of Essex Proposed Official Plan, Schedule C1 (Areas Susceptible to Flooding), as well as a list of all of the pertinent Proposed Official Plan Sections which relate to flooding. 

In the interest of fairness to the existing residents of Colchester, I would ask that the County of Essex Planning Department refuse to allow any large scale construction in these flood prone areas of Colchester. 

Most sincerely, 


Mike Piche & Nettie Ridley

Colchester Matters Civic Action Group


See attached


Letter to Remove Greenhouse Growers Ability to Grow Cannabis from Proposed Official Plan - To County Planning & Town of Essex Council